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December 25, 2007


Fred Moore

Hiring low-time pilots into jets is a recipe for disaster. Sure, more intensive training will improve an already terrible situation, but after 18000 hours flying everything from a Corbin Baby Ace to the 747, I think before I climb on one of these crummy regional carriers with a green crew up front, I'll rent a car and drive.

Brian Finnegan

Dear Fred -

You make good points and they are issues our industry will have to deal with if this lack of flying experience translates into increased accidents. We have similar issues in maintenance with the introduction of increasing numbers of non-A&Ps into our workforce. It is not ideal, but it is reality.

We must ensure our workforce is as highly trained and certified as the advanced technology requires - and that bar is constantly moving up. Entry level technicians must establish themselves as competent through basic certification and specialty certifications that establish the state of our art must become the new standard for technical capability.

Brian Finnegan


This sure is a recipie for disaster and we have the same problems in Europe and especially in Spain where I am based.

"Aerolink Commercial Pilot Package - Zero to Frozen ATPL with 400 Hours and Instructors Rating to build hours quickly"


I've been a flight instructor for 2 years now. I know I could easily get hired by a regional airline yet chose not to. I believe you must incorporate years of experience in the cockpit. Lots of decision making, lots of IFR, all of which comes from more flying. I get a kick out of these 350-600TT "wonder pilots" who think they are an ACE because they've landed a regional jet job. Shiny Jet Syndrome? I think so. What also makes me wonder is how they pay the bills? Student loans? How can you live on what they pay? Even some middle aged career change individuals? In my experience so far instructing, I've seen people change a career from 60K a year to 18K a year just because it looks cool to do. I've been told you need to pay your dues and get plenty of experience before you move on. Your captain will thank you, and I will feel as if hard work finally payed off. I would appreciate it rather than bitch and complain like most of these regional FOs. I'm happily and slowly moving through the ranks, but at least i'm gaining valuable experience, and learning more along the way. No shortcuts!

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