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« US-EC Bilateral Still Faltering | Main | FAA Investigates Maintenance Processes »

February 20, 2008


Weiler Jeff

My company is forcing me toinstall a vital part
of the engine without a form one,they are telling me
thats its legal to fly like this for 30 hours,is this
true or not,I not gonna fit it till I f got an answer

Gary B

see 145.A.50(f)

when an aircraft is grounded at a location other than the main line station or main maintenance base due to the non-availability of a component with the appropriate release certificate, it is permissible to temporarily fit a component without the appropriate release certificate for a maximum of 30 flight hours or until the aircraft first returns to the main line station or main maintenance base, whichever is the sooner, subject to the aircraft operator agreement and said component having a suitable release certificate but otherwise in compliance with all applicable maintenance and operational requirements.

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