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« Will the Repair Station Rule Be Issued? | Main | Safety Management Systems: A Hot International Topic »

July 10, 2008



The FAA has failed to present one INCIDENT OR ACCIDENT of TRANSPORT AIRCRAFT WIDE SPREAD FATIGUE DAMAGE. Aloha happened because the operator failed to comply with a Mandated Supplemental Structural Inspection SSI. The Aloha FAA PMI was aware of the deviation. A Boeing Audit several months before the incident disclosed that the Aloha Maintenance Program was not in accordance with the guidelines provided by them.

There has been a loss of life when Boeing aircraft crashed because of improper repairs (performed in one case for the operator by Boeing mployees).

Part 25 aircraft are designed to be fail safe. The proposed action makes them safe life - throw away airplanes. Can you imagine how little money will be invested in a "throw away airplane"? Fly to failure will move from a rumor to a common practice!

FAA Master Mechanic (A FORMER PAMA MEMBER and A&P mechanic since 1955)
[email protected]

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