Everything is looking up in the world of PAMA/SAE Certifications these days. Our first certification, the AMS/AME, has over 125 Honored Colleagues in its ranks and we have been working very hard to establish a significant customer that will tip the scales for a number of organizations evaluating our program. Look for a major announcement within the next month or so. Please visit us online for information on the PAMA/SAE Institute Aviation Maintenance and Production Certification Program.
In the meantime, we have been consumed with filling out our portfolio of certifications in concert with the Professional Certification plan we laid out some two years ago. We have completed the program design for a three-tier Composite/Bonded Structures Technician program in concert with the members of the SAE Commercial Aircraft Composite Repair Committee (CACRC). Sometime this fall we hope to begin formalizing that program with a Job Task Analysis and Test Blueprints. To execute those projects, we need Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to volunteer their time.
If you are interested in participating as a Composites SME, please send your resume to Laura Blanchard, our Certification Coordinator . We'll be distributing more info on this opportunity shortly.
Also, we just announced last Friday the formation of a joint Military/Industry Master Rotorcraft Technician Stakeholders gathering during the last week of October. At this senior stakeholders meeting we will be determing the depth and breadth of the industry's desire for such credentialing - or if it even exists on a broad scale. Our sense is that it does as the Army wants raise the bar for its civil servants and to provide its rotorcraft technicians with transportable credentials when they separate from the service - something most other separating servicemembers have when they enter the civilian workforce. Industry has indicated a passion for growing their rotorcraft technican workforce and we believe our blueprint for a series of increasingly skilled certifications is the ticket to a long term plan. Even though we are not as far along as we are with Composites, we are starting to solicit Rotorcraft SME's also.
If you are interested in participating as a Rotorcraft SME, please send your resume to Laura Blanchard, our Certification Coordinator. We'll also be distributing more info on this opportunity shortly, too.
Also of interest, we have been approached by a non-aviation organization with a specialty in electronics to partner with them in the development of a comprehensive Avionics Certification program. We are very interested and even though this program is just getting underway, it could actually move quicker than both the Composites and Rotorcraft certifications. We'd like to get a jump on that certification program and we want to begin soliciting for Avionics SMEs right away.
If you are interested in participating as an Avionics SME, please send your resume to Laura Blanchard, our Certification Coordinator. Just like with the others, we'll be distributing more info on this opportunity shortly, as well.
You know, we always knew our profession demanded more than just attendance at classes. Knowledge and skills exams, developed by industry consensus, and maintained with integrity by a neutral third party, bring the kind of respect and professionlism that modern aviation demands. With your help and support, and under the strong PAMA/SAE banner, we wil bring to reality this dream that so many have had. Tell your friends - we must all work together.
Stay Strong!